Non Electronic Content - Barcode Scanning
RecordPoint provides the ability to perform barcode scanning actions for your non electronic records.
To begin managing your non electronic records for your organisation using barcode scan actions the following pre-requisites must be performed.
RecordPoint supports the bar codes that are compliant with SharePoint.
For further information see Microsoft TechNet article
- Non Electronic Records must already be configured
- Locations and assignees must be updated
- If external barcodes are being used in place of the RecordPoint generated barcodes then
- The unique barcode for each non electronic record being managed should already exist in RecordPoint.
- To specify a unique barcode value for a record, this can be mapped during an Import process or applied to an existing non electronic record by providing a Barcode Value in Edit or Create mode. (To do this, the barcode value must be enabled on the content type, refer to Non Electronic Custom External Barcodes for more information).
RecordPoint Barcode Actions
The following are default RecordPoint Barcode actions.
- Contain Records: Used to associate records to a specific Non Electronic File
- Contain Files: Used to associate files to a specific Non Electronic Box
- Change Home Location: Used to change the home location of a non electronic record
- Change Owner Location: Used to change the owner location of a non electronic record
- Change Assignee: Used to change the assignee of a non electronic record
- Census Assignee: Used to perform a census of content based on an assignee. The results section will show discrepancies if item in the system is not assigned to the specified assignee during the scan.
- Census Home Location: Used to perform a census of content based on a home location. The results section will show discrepancies if item in the system is not assigned to the specified home location during the scan.
- Census Owner Location: Used to perform a census of content based on owner location. The results section will show discrepancies if item in the system is not assigned to the specified owner location during the scan.
- Loan File: This will create a new File Request for the scanned item with the Assignee and Location provided during the scan, and set the Request Status to OnLoan.
- Return File: The Return File action will locate any File Request for the scanned item with a status of On Loan and complete the request.
- Finish: Used to complete a scan process
Manage records with barcode scan
In RecordPoint, navigate to the Non Electronic menu and select Barcode Scanning
- The available RecordPoint barcode actions can be viewed here
- To rename these actions, navigate to the Actions link under the Results section
- Scan the action to perform
- (example; I have a number of non electronic files that should be contained in a specific box. The action here is 'Contain Files')
- Scan the destination barcode to apply
- (example; Following the previous example, destination barcode here is the 'Box' used to contain files. The Box container should have a valid barcode.)
- Go to Next Action and scan a new action to perform on records or go to step 5
By selecting Next Action then 2 actions will be updated on the records selected in step 5Note: this does not support using the same Barcode Action multiple times in the same 'batch'. The following error will be displayed: "You have submitted the same Barcode Action multiple times. Please use each Barcode Action once only". - Scan all records to apply these actions to
- (example; Scan all files to be contained in the specified box)
- Scan Finish to complete this process
Uploading bulk actions
To manage non electronic records and actions in bulk, a file can be uploaded to RecordPoint for processing.
A text file containing the barcode action and records must be provided. Each barcode must be on a seperate line within the file.
The scanning order for content scanned offline (for upload) must also follow the same scan process:
- Scan Action barcode
- Scan Destination barcode
- Go to Next action and scan a new action to perform on records or go to step 5
- Scan records to apply action and destination to
- Scan finish
The results of the process will be displayed and can be downloaded.
- Action: The barcode action applied
- Action Barcode: The barcode value of the action applied
- Record Number: Record Number of the scanned item
- Record Type: Record type of the scanned item
- Assignee: Assignee of the scanned item
- Home Location: Home location of the scanned item
- Owner Location: Owner location of the scanned item
- Item Barcode: Barcode value of the scanned item
- Message: System confirmation of the processed record
- Status: Provides the status (success or failure) of the action applied to the scanned item
- Error: Error message detailing the reason for a failed action
- Process Date: The date this action was applied to this item