RecordPoint 4.05

Release date: August 2017

RecordPoint 4.05 brings new features, enhancements and bug fixes to improve your Records Management platform.

For guidance on installing or upgrading to RecordPoint 4.05, see Installation, Upgrade and Configuration.

New Features in this release


Bulk Label Printing

Saved Searches can now be used to generate labels for Physical Boxes, Files and Records, allowing the user to generate labels for a large set of items. A new command, 'Labels', is available from the 'Saved Queries' page, a notification will be written to the 'System Messages' area on the RecordPoint dashboard once the label file has been generated.

For more information, see Non Electronic Bulk Label Printing.

Batch Barcode Scanning Actions

A new Barcode Scanning Action, "Next Action", allows multiple barcode actions to be applied to a batch of Physical assets in one transaction - this avoids scanning files or boxes multiple times.

For more information, see Non Electronic Content - Barcode Scanning

Accented Character Support

RecordPoint now supports storing accented characters in all record metadata fields.

We accept all characters within the ISO 8859-1 character set.

Blocked Characters

Security hardening of RecordPoint has identified that allowing certain special character inputs may pose an additional security risk. RecordPoint now allows a configurable list of special characters that it will not accept in user input fields.

This is a security feature and modifying this list should only be performed by a system administrator. The default list of blocked characters is: " ? < > # % / \

For more information see Blocked Characters

Last submitted metadata

RecordPoint now records on all record metadata the last type of submission of a record and the user who performed the submission. These fields are RecordPoint_LastSubmittedBy and RecordPoint_LastSubmissionType.

These metadata fields may be added to forms, used for triggering disposition or surfaced in reports

For more information see Patterns, Form Fields, or Reporting.

Group synchronization to RecordPoint storage site

RecordPoint groups are now synchronized to the storage site individually from RecordPoint Settings > Synchronize Permissions.

This reduces the amount of overhead in performing group synchronization, only synchronizing updates to the selected groups.

For more information, see Synchronising User and Group Permissions.

Bugs fixed in this release

Release version 4.05 includes all bugs resolved since version 4.04, including:

  • Duplicate File Part Numbers created under some import scenarios


Features deprecated in this release

"Submit" submission type deprecated

RecordPoint currently supports a number of submission types to capture records in RecordPoint. The most commonly used method by our customers is 'SubmitStub', which manages the record in place in SharePoint and creates a metadata ‘stub’ in RecordPoint which is linked back to the record. There is only ever one instance of the record (either stored in SharePoint or, upon Finalisation, in the RecordPoint archive).

The 'Submit' method is used by very few customers and leaves the content of the record in SharePoint and additionally creates a copy of the content in RecordPoint. In this scenario two instances of the record exist – one in SharePoint and one in RecordPoint. Working with our customers, our analysis showed that SubmitStub was preferred as:

  • It does not duplicate content leading to questions about which version is the ‘true record’
  • It reduces the complexity and cost of managing double the volume of content for no real reduction in risk.

From RecordPoint 4.05 onwards, existing submission workflows that have been created with the 'Submit' type will not be affected. However, new workflows will not be able to select this option. Use SubmitStub instead.

In a future release, existing workflows that use 'Submit' will be migrated to 'SubmitStub'. We will provide further guidance and support for all affected customers when this takes place.


Considerations for Administrators

There are no additional requirements or considerations for RecordPoint 4.05. Before deploying this release, we recommend following a best practice deployment process, which includes thorough testing in a non-production environment.