Creating Outcomes and Classifications
The Business Classification Scheme is used to describe common business functions and activities. The number of levels within the scheme can vary depending on level of detail and how the scheme will be used. Generally the structure of the scheme is hierarchical, moving from general to specific. Each function has related activities and each activity might have categories of transactions specific to the activity.
For public sector organisations these are usually defined, managed and provided as guidance by the public records office for the particular jurisdiction.
The Term Store refers to the database in which managed metadata is stored. By configuring this you are defining the database used by RecordPoint, the Term Group and Set therefore refer to the collection of related terms.
The RecordPoint Import Outcome template provides the ability to import outcomes and also create the business classification schema in the term store.
Preparing the Import File
- In RecordPoint, from the Rules Manager menu select Outcome Set up in the sub menu.
- Select Download Template
- Complete the required fields within the excel file.
- Title: Provide a title for this classification
- Classification: The classification used for this record class. Use the symbol \ to create a hierarchical classification structure. This column determines the terms and schema to create in the Term Store.
- Disposal Class Number: The disposal class number related to this record class. This is usually specified by the business classification schema for your business function.
- Disposal Class Description: The disposal class description details the scope of records managed under this class. The description will be updated in the Term Store and the Outcome list.
- Disposal Class Period: The amount of time used to calculate the disposal date from the disposal trigger date.
- Disposal Class Unit: The unit used to calculate the disposal date for the record. RecordPoint uses the disposal class period multiplied by this unit from the trigger date to calculate the disposal date. The unit must be expressed as None, Day, Week, Month or Year only.
- Disposal Class Type: The formula used to determine the disposal date. RecordPoint is currently only supporting the type ‘Calculated’. Only Calculated can be used.
- Disposal Class Action: The action applied to a record when it is being disposed. When Keep Permanently is used, the disposal class period must be set to 0, the disposal class unit must be set to none and the trigger date should be left blank.
- Disposal Class Trigger Date: The field name on the record used to calculate the disposal date. This must be a date time field value.
Importing the completed Outcome template
- In RecordPoint, from the Rules Manager menu select Outcome Set up in the sub menu.
- Browse to the completed template to import
- Click Upload
- This will create Outcomes ready for rules creation and the Classification Term Store for RecordPoint.
Examples of Business Classification Terms:
Function | Activity | Transaction |
Financial Management | Accounting | Statements |
Personnel Management | Procedures | Onboarding |
Occupational Health & Safety | Investigations | Reports |