Creating Rules and Patterns

Creating Rules and Patterns

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Creating the initial rule set for RecordPoint

Rules are actions used to evaluate content created from the Active Site and are created through associating patterns with outcomes. To begin building a rule set, select one or more outcomes from this list and associate or append patterns to these outcomes to define how content is evaluated and classified.

Note: To assist in the rules set up the following article Browse by Classification is recommended.


To begin setting up rules, Outcomes must be created in RecordPoint. This can be done through performing an Outcome Import or by creating these individually in Manage Outcomes.

All outcomes imported will be shown in Rules Set Up. To begin creating rules, navigate to the specific outcome or classifications to associate to a pattern (this action of associating pattern with outcome creates a rule).


Note: Outcomes are RecordPoint components created based on your business classifications or record and disposal authorities.

Creating a Rule

  1. In RecordPoint, navigate to the Rules menu and select Rules Setup
  2. From Rules Setup, select the outcome(s)
  3. Navigate to the Rules Setup ribbon from the ribbon tab
  4. Select Create Patterns – a pop up form will appear
  5. The outcome(s) selected will be shown
  6. To create a rule, select the pattern(s) from the available list to associate to your selected outcome(s)
  7. Ensure that the required pattern(s) are ticked in the check box
  8. Click Save
  9. In Rules Setup, the selected outcomes will now have associated patterns. These have now been created as Rules in RecordPoint.

Adding a Pattern

  1. Creating a New Pattern
  2. Provide a Title for this pattern (we recommend you use a descriptive title)
  3. Select the Pattern Type
  4. Select the Operator
  5. Provide the pattern value
    Optional: type in the pattern value to test
  6. Click Save
  7. The new pattern will now be available to select in the Create Patterns form
  8. Ensure that the required pattern(s) are ticked in the check box
  9. Click Save
    For more information on RecordPoint Patterns please see Managing Patterns article
Note: By default, all rules created in the Rules Setup are disabled, this is to give users an opportunity to validate rule components before going live with a set of rules. 

Append Patterns

Appending patterns to an existing rule

Any number of patterns can be used in a rule to achieve a greater level of specificity. Generally, a pattern can be used across more than one rule which means it is possible to vary the scope of content to be managed.

Note: If creating a new rule or working with an outcome with no associated patterns then use the Create Patterns ribbon action instead.

 Append Patterns

  1. In RecordPoint, navigate to the Rules menu and select Rules Setup
  2. From Rules Setup, select the outcome(s) to append additional pattern(s) to
  3. Navigate to the Rules Setup ribbon from the ribbon tab
  4. Select Append Patterns– a pop up form will appear
  5. The outcome(s) selected will be shown
  6. To append patterns to the rule, select the pattern(s) from the available list to associate to your selected outcome(s)
  7. Ensure that the required pattern(s) are ticked in the check box
  8. Click Save
  9. In Rules Setup, the appended patterns are added to the selected outcome

Changing an Associated Outcome

RecordPoint provides the ability to update outcomes already created as rules. For example, if a record disposal schedule has changed the Change Outcome action provides the ability to replace existing outcomes (already used in rules) to be replaced with an alternate outcome. This feature is particularly useful for managing outdated outcomes without re-creating new rules.


Before applying an Outcome Change to rules, ensure that the new outcome required has been created in RecordPoint.

Apply an Outcome Change to rules

  1. In RecordPoint, navigate to the Rules menu and select Rules Setup
  2. From Rules Setup, select the outcome(s) to change
    • For the outcomes selected, RecordPoint will update all rules associated with these outcomes with the replacement outcome specified in step 6
  3. Navigate to the Rules Setup ribbon from the ribbon tab
  4. Select Change Outcome – a pop up form will appear
  5. The outcome(s) selected will be shown here
  6. To replace the selected outcomes, select the replacement outcome from the available list.
    • Only one replacement outcome can be selected
  7. Ensure that the required outcome is ticked in the check box
  8. Click Save
  9. In Rules Setup, the selected outcomes will now have updated disposal information.
    • The old outcomes will no longer be used in a rule
Note: By default, all rules created in the Rules Setup are disabled, this is to give users an opportunity to validate rule components before going live with a set of rules.

Browse Outcomes by Classification

In Rules set up, browsing to a specific term set or classification can be done through the classification filter. If a specific disposal class number is known, apply the Class Number filter provided. RecordPoint also provides sort filters for each of the displayed columns.

To browse outcomes by classification

  1. To browse content by Record Classification
  2. Expand the node of the classification you wish to filter by
    • The hierarchy of terms or nodes are defined by the RecordPoint Classification Term Group in Central Administration.
    • Select the classification filter – outcomes will now be filtered to the classification selected
    • To view results by another classification, select another class
    • To return to the full result set, select Clear under top classification node

To browse an outcome by a specific class number

  1. In the Class number key filter field
  2. Enter the disposal class number
  3. Click Apply
  4. The RecordPoint outcome for this disposal class number will now be shown

To sort ascending, descending or by selection

  1. Hover over the column to sort and click the downwards arrow
  2. Click sort ascending or descending
  3. Or to sort by a specific value, scroll through and select the required value

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