Advanced Search

How to use advanced search using properties, operators and content key words

This functionality searches within the contents of the item requested, not the metadata. It is also possible to add property restrictions to narrow down the search criteria.

Advanced Search capabilities

  • A maximum of 10 search criteria fields
  • Ability to combine search properties by 
    • And 
    • Or
  • A property drop down picker that lists all RecordPoint indexed fields.
  • A match type drop down picker with the following values
    • Contains
    • Equal
    • Does not equal
  • Performing a save query will save the query of the most recently issued search.
  • Advanced search criteria will search indexed and non indexed content.

Using Advanced Search

  1. From the Navigation Panel
  2. Under Browser, select Advanced Search
  3. Under 'Find records, files and boxes that have...'
  4. Populate the fields as required.
  5. If required, under 'Add property restrictions...'
  6. Pick Property
  7. A match type drop down picker with the following values
      • Contains
      • Does not equal
      • Equal
  8. Add search text
  9. Ability to combine up to 10 search properties by
      • And
      • Or
  10. Click Add button
  11. To include more property restrictions select the Add button (or Subtract button to remove) and repeat steps 6 to 10
  12. Click Search


Example 1:

Let us consider Record A with Record Number ‘ABC-R/2017/0001’ and Record B with ‘Record Number R0001’.

For a query, Record Number Contains R


It is going to find the exact match ‘R’ (as a separate letter) and returns just the Record A with Record Number ‘ABC-R/2017/0001’.

Example 2:

Let us consider Record A with Record Number ‘ABC-R/2017/0001’ and Record B with ‘Record Number R0001’.

For a query, Record Number Contains R*(‘*’ is a wildcard operator that indicates zero or more characters)


It is going to return both the records, Record A with Record Number ‘ABC-R/2017/0001’ and Record B with ‘Record Number R0001’.

Example 3

Suffix matching is not supported.

Let us consider Record A with Record Number R0000021, using Record Number Contains *21 is not supported.

The query to find this record would be Record Number Contains 21*, which would search for zero or more characters after 21 in each word and give the right result.