Constructing Report Queries

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Before displaying or filtering fields in a RecordPoint report, the field must be configured against the desired RecordPoint content type. Once this is done, the field can either be displayed as a view field, or as a filter in the report.

Adding Fields to a Report

To add a field to a Report:

  • Open the properties for the dataset to be configured
  • Navigate to the Fields section of the properties window
  • Add a new Query Field to the dataset
  • Set the Field Name and Field Source of the desired field from RecordPoint


Note: Replace spaces in words with underscores

Adding a Field as a View Field

To add a field as a view field in the report, insert a new field in the table and link it to the desired field that has been added to the dataset. The label for the field can use spaces as opposed to underscores.

Adding Filters to a Report

Any fields that have been added to the dataset can be used to filter a report query. Without filtering, all records of the selected Record Type (Record, File or Box) will be returned in the report.

Filters are constructed in the following format:

[Field]~~[Operator]::[Value] or [Field]~~[Operator]


  • [Field] is the field name in the dataset
  • [Operator] is the logical operator
    • Operators include:
      • Eq - Equal
      • Neq - Not Equal
      • Gt - Greater Than
      • Lt - Less Than
      • Contains
      • Geq - Greater than or equal to
      • Leq - Less than or equal to
      • BeginsWith
      • IsNotNull - This operator does not require a value
A full list of operators can be found by invoking the 'GetSearchOperators' method of the ReportService when accessed through the browser.
  • [Value] is used to evaluate the filter against the field

For example, constructing a report to return records submitted after the first of January 2012, the filter would look like this:



Multiple filters are connected using the following format:


For example, constructing a report to show all records submitted after the first of January 2012, with a disposal action of destroy, the filter would look like this:

RecordPoint_SubmissionDate~~Gt::01-01-2012;;Disposal Action~~Eq::Destroy

Testing Reports

When building reports, the structure of the parameters can be tested directly through the browser on the ReportService page by using the GetItems operation.