Advanced Search in RecordPoint
RecordPoint search leverages SharePoint search, thus it has the same functionality. Some of the tips for the right usage of Advance Search functionality are outlined below:
The queries find an exact match.
E.g. Let us consider Record A with Record Number ‘ABC-R/2017/0001’ and Record B with ‘Record Number R0001’.
For a query,
Record Number Contains R
It is going to find the exact match ‘R’ (as a separate letter) and returns just the Record A with Record Number ‘ABC-R/2017/0001’.
For a query,
Record Number Contains R*(‘*’ is a wildcard operator that indicates zero or more characters)
It is going to return both the records, Record A with Record Number ‘ABC-R/2017/0001’ and Record B with ‘Record Number R0001’.
Suffix matching is not supported.
E.g. Let us consider Record A with Record Number R0000021, using Record Number Contains *21 is not supported.
The query to find this record would be Record Number Contains 21*, which would search for zero or more characters after 21 in each word and give the right result.