FileConnect Software Installation

FileConnect Software Installation

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Install FileConnect Software

The MSI should be deployed to a server on the network.

  1. Run the FileConnect msi
  2. Accept the Terms and Conditions accordingly
  3. The FileConnect system will be deployed to Program Files

Add Connector in RecordPoint

  1. In the RecordPoint Site (used to manage content for this FileConnect)
  2. Under Management→ Settings
  3. Select Connectors
  4. Click +New Item
  5. Select Connector Type: FileShare
  6. Select Connector Source: NTFS
  7. Provide a Name for this Connector - Something which uniquely identifies the Connector
  8. Select Enabled (to enable this connection)
  9. Under Configure File Share Settings
    1. Provide the Online Site URL used to manage File Share Services (This is the independent service url used for file share management)
    2. The RecordPoint Site Url for this site collection should be populated
    3. Click Validate – Check for validation confirmation
    4. Click Save

Generate Secure Access Token

  1. Under Management→ Settings
  2. Select General Settings
  3. For the Secure Access Token line item, click the Generate button
  4. Click the Update button

Configure FileConnect

When updating FileConnect system configurations or when a watched folder has been added, edited or deleted, the FileConnect services should be restarted. This can be done under the System tab or in the Windows services Console (RecordPoint Active File System and RecordPoint Active Processor).

File System tab

  1. Launch the FileConnect application from Start menu
  2. Under File System the following can be configured
    • Excluded Extensions and Prefixes
    • Set up monitoring for shares and file paths

Excluded Extensions and Prefixes

Exclusions to extensions and prefixes can be applied to all watched paths and folders being managed. Content that matches this criteria will not be submitted and managed by RecordPoint.

By default the following exclusions are configured;

  • Extensions: tmp;lnk;db
  • Prefixes: ~

The same file type exclusions in SharePoint will also apply here.

Set up monitoring for shares and file paths

  1. In Watched folders
  2. Click add
  3. A pop up dialog will appear, in the Watched Folder section specify the Drive and path to manage
  4. Choose the submission type for this managed path

    Submission Types

    FileConnect has two submission types, this allows for flexibility in determining how and when you want content archived to RecordPoint. Submission types can be configured for each managed path.  Submission of content is triggered when a record is created, edited (updated) or deleted. However existing content prior to installing FileConnect will not be managed unless you perform an Import.
    • ActiveSubmitStub: When a record is created, edited or deleted; the binary will remain within the file share but a record stub link is created in RecordPoint. An archive action can be applied to this content at a later date using the Finalise action in RecordPoint or when it’s due for disposal action.
    • ActiveSubmit: When a record is created, edited or deleted; a copy of the binary will be submitted to the RecordPoint archive but the original will also remain within the file share. A finalise archive action can be applied to this content at a later date using the Finalise action in RecordPoint or when it’s due for disposal action.

    SharePoint limits to file sizes and formats will also apply to content being submitted via the FileConnector to RecordPoint.

  5. Choose the aggregation level for this managed path

    Aggregation Levels

    FileConnect has 2 available aggregation levels configurable for each managed path. This can only be set once per managed path and should not be changed.

    • Root: RecordPoint will use the root of this path as the container. All content managed under the root will be submitted and managed under a file named after the root in RecordPoint. If there is content created in sub folders, this content will be submitted under the same container as the root in RecordPoint.
    • Root or First Sub Folder: RecordPoint will use the Root of this path as the container. If content is located within a sub folder, this content will be contained in RecordPoint under this folder name, if the sub folder contains more folder levels this structure will be ignored and instead content will be contained under the named sub folder.
    • Lowest Level Folder: All content managed under this path will be submitted and managed in its own file name in RecordPoint. 
  6. Click Save

RecordPoint tab

  1. Under the RecordPoint tab
  2. Enter the RecordPoint URL
  3. Enter the Service URL for FileConnect (A dedicated port should be allocated)
  4. Enter the Secure Access Token (this was generated in previous step)
  5. Click Save

System tab

This can be left as default and only edited as required.

This tab can be used to configure:

  • Location - This is where the FileConnect Queue folders will be created.
  • Poll intervals - FileConnect services will poll for new or updated content to submit into RecordPoint. Polling intervals are set to every 10 seconds by default, this is configurable.
  • Logging - This by default is set to Information. The log file location is in the directory above the Queue location set in 'Location' above.

Configure Service Accounts

The Active File System requires a service account with read/write access to the file shares being managed. This service monitors managed file paths for new or edited content.

RecordPoint Active Processor Service

  1. Launch the Windows Services Console
  2. Select RecordPoint Active Processor
  3. Under the Log On tab, configure RecordPoint Active Processor account details for this service
  4. Set to Automatic
  5. Click Apply and OK
  6. Start the service

RecordPoint FileConnect Service

  1. Launch the Windows Services Console
  2. Select RecordPoint FileConnect
  3. Under the Log On tab, configure RecordPoint FileConnect account details for this service
  4. Set to Automatic
  5. Click Apply and OK
  6. Start the service

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