Log File Trimming/Rollover


FileConnect logs are now able to be configured to retain a certain amount such that log files don't grow large in size causing performance issues.

Log File Trimming/Rollover

  1. By default, 20 log files are kept at 10 MB in size so that the FileConnect log files never exceed 200MB of disk usage, even when a large import is performed;
  2. If configured, x amount of log files are kept at 10 MB and disk usage will be x times 10 MB; and 
  3. Under FileConnect Settings new setting 'Number of log files to retain' (by default this is set to 20).

Configuring Number of Log files to retain

  1. Under FileConnect Settings 
  2. Update 'Number of log files to retain' (by default this is set to 20)
  3. Click Save