Bulk Finalise

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Bulk finalise works via search. When a search has been performed, multiple items can be selected for finalization.

Security settings

In order for a RecordPoint user to perform a bulk finalise, the finalise permission level in the RecordPoint Security Settings must be enabled. To do this perform the following:

  1. Add the user to Record Administrators group

Saved Queries Page

Under the RecordPoint user settings, there is the ability to view all My Queries saved. Through this page there is also functionality to edit, delete and sort queries.

To view saved queries page, perform the following:

  1. In the top right hand corner of RecordPoint, click the user name logged in
  2. Click My RecordPoint settings
  3. Click My Queries


To finalise all the records matching the Saved Query, click on 'Finalise' from the ribbon. A confirmation message will display:

"This saved query may contain a large number of results to be queued for processing. This may have performance impacts and you may prefer to perform this action outside of business hours. Would you like to continue?"

We advise caution in generating requests for large numbers of records to be finalised at once, as this may result in wider impacts to processing of submissions from the Active site.