
This script allows the submission of SPListItems to RecordPoint.

How to run the script

  1. Open Windows PowerShell
  2. Run RecordPointActive.AddItemsDirect.ps1 script
    By default, this is located under C:\Program Files\RecordPoint\Scripts
SiteUrl - The url of the RecordPoint Active site 
ActiveItems - The list of urls OR SPListItems to submit. For Urls, supply the SiteRelativeUrl of the item. 
SubmissionType - The type of submission to perform on each item. Valid values are:Submit;SubmitStub;SubmitArchive;SubmitFinalise;ReSubmit;SubmitDelete 
UserName - The user who is submitting the item. 
IncludeContainer - When set, the container will be also submission. Set to true when the container is not in RecordPoint. 
UseDirectSubmission - When set, the submission bypasses the Queue and processes the item via the object model. Default is false.