Custom Record Number in the Active Site or RecordPoint

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There are two methods that can be used to have custom record numbering:

  1. Record number in RecordPoint to override the custom column in the active site
    This method replaces the value of the custom column created in the active site with the RecordPoint generated record number.
  2. Custom columns in the active site to override the record number in RecordPoint 
    This method replaces the value of the record number in RecordPoint with the value entered in the custom column created in the active site

Record number in RecordPoint to override the custom column in the active site

The below process is used to make the record number in RecordPoint override the custom column created in the Active site. Please note when submitting a record to RecordPoint the custom field needs to remain blank so that the RecordPoint record number can populate this field.

SharePoint front end implementation

Create custom column

  1. Go to Site settings 
  2. Under Web Designer Galleries 
  3. Go to Site Columns 
  4. Click create
  5. Enter the column name and select type as single line of text 
  6. Click ok

Add custom column to content type

  1. Go to the Active site 
  2. Go to Site Settings and then Site Content Types
  3. Select the Content Type you will be using for a RecordPoint enabled library 
  4. Add the site column created to the Content Type 
  5. Click ok

Add content type to RecordPoint enable library

  1. Go to the Active site
  2. Go to RecordPoint enabled library
  3. Go to library settings
  4. Go to advanced settings
  5. Select yes to "Allow management of content types"
  6. Click ok
  7. Go to library settings 
  8. Add from existing site content types 
  9. Add content type with added custom column 
  10. Set this content type as default
  11. Click ok

RecordPoint implementation

Add custom column to RecordPoint

  1. Go to RecordPoint 
  2. Go Management
  3. Go to Settings 
  4. Go to General Settings 
  5. Set the RecordPoint RecordNumber Field to be the title of the custom column
  6. Click update 
  7. Check the tick box "Should RecordPoint generate record numbers"
  8. Click update

Refresh the cache IIS reset and Timer service restart

  1. Perform an IIS reset
  2. Refresh the SharePoint Timer service

Custom columns in the active site to override the record number in RecordPoint 

The below is an example to implement custom columns in the Active site to override the record number in RecordPoint.

SharePoint front end implementation

  1. Create custom field which generates a unique value across the farm 
  2. Create a custom column using the custom field
  3. Add custom column to content type
  4. Add content type to RecordPoint enable library

RecordPoint implementation

Add custom column to RecordPoint

  1. Go to RecordPoint 
  2. Go Management
  3. Go to Settings 
  4. Go to General Settings
  5. Set the RecordPoint RecordNumber Field to be the title of the custom column
  6. Click update 
  7. Un-check the tick box "Should RecordPoint generate record numbers"
  8. Click update 
  9. Refresh the cache

IIS reset and Timer service restart

  1. Perform an IIS reset 
  2. Refresh the SharePoint Timer service


It is recommended that custom record number formats do not include restricted characters   " * : < > ? / \ | 

We would also recommend avoiding ~ " # % & * : < > ? / \ { | } - which can cause issues in some circumstances.

Record Number format Decimal

Takes in the raw number and applies the FormatString named in the ListItem. FormatString = "{0:DX} where X is the number of leading zeros you need (not including the number). eg. If the current Record format is R{0:D10} and the current number is 25, the record number will be R0000000025 Refer to:

Record Number format Date

Takes in the number and also the current Date and then applies the format string to both. FormatString = "{0:Y}{1:DX} where X is the number of leading zeros you need (not including the number) and Y is a valid DateFormat string. eg. If the current Record format is R{0:yyyy}{1:D6} and the current number is 25, the record number will be R2011000025 Refer to: