Multi Item Finalise/Restore

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Multiple records and files can now be Finalised or Restored from the Browser and Search pages. These commands will only be available when all items selected are valid for the operation. The maximum number of items that can be Finalised/Restored in one operation is 50.

Bulk Finalise

  1. Log into RecordPoint as a Record Administrator
  2. Go to the Record/File Browser or Record Search page
  3. Select items to Finalise
  4. From the RecordPoint ribbon select Finalise
  5. Pop up will appear stating "In the case whereby the content in the source system cannot be Finalised would you like to Finalise the RecordPoint content only?"
  6. If Yes selected then:
    Each Item successfully finalised will appear in results dialog as Finalised Record | <record number>
    Each item that error's will display message "Item <record number> was finalised in RecordPoint only as the following error occurred."
  7. If No selected then:
    Each Item successfully finalised will appear in results dialog as Finalised Record | <record number>
    Each item that error's will display message in red in the Finalise results dialog. A warning message is written "Item <record number> was could not be finalised as the following error occurred."

Bulk Restore

  1. Log into RecordPoint as a Record Administrator
  2. Go to the Record/File Browser or Record Search page
  3. Select items to Restore
  4. From the RecordPoint ribbon select Restore
  5. Pop up will appear stating "In the case whereby the content in the source system cannot be Restored would you like to Restore the RecordPoint content only?"
  6. If Yes selected then:
    Each Item successfully restored will appear in results dialog as Restored Record | <record number>
    Each item that error's will display message "Item <record number> was restored in RecordPoint only as the following error occurred..."
  7. If No selected then:
    Each Item successfully restored will appear in results dialog as Restored Record | <record number>
    Each item that error's will display message in red in the Restore results dialog. A warning message is written "Item <record number> was could not be restored as the following error occurred..."