Release date: December 2017

RecordPoint 4.07 brings new features, enhancements and bug fixes to improve your Records Management platform.

For guidance on installing or upgrading to RecordPoint 4.07, see Installation, Upgrade and Configuration.

New Features in this release

Rule, Pattern and Outcome search

To improve the experience for Records Managers when creating or modifying large file plans & rule sets, a search box has been added to the Manage Rules, Outcomes, and Patterns pages.

For more information, see Managing Outcomes, Managing Patterns and Managing Rules

View Binary from a Disposal Batch

The 'View Binary' action is now available when reviewing or approving a disposal batch, allowing easy access for Records Managers and approvers to the content being disposed.

For more information, see Managing Disposal.

Barcode Scanning Action: New Loan

A new barcode scanning action has been added to create a new file request and set it immediately to on loan, reducing overhead and complexity in managing file transfers.

The New Loan action will create a File Request for the scanned item with a status of On Loan. When performing the File Request action via barcode, the action barcode should be followed by the Location and Assignee barcodes that the file(s) is to be loaned to, then the barcodes of the files.

For more information, see Barcode Scanning Actions

Bulk Finalise

Records365 now supports finalising a group of records in bulk from a Saved Query. To do so, follow the steps in Saving a Query to create a saved query, then view the query by selecting it from My Record Point Settings > Saved Queries.

A ribbon action for Finalise is now present - this will queue all the records found by the saved query for finalization. A system message will be written to the dashboard when this process is complete, detailing any errors preventing records in the query from being finalised.

Please be aware that this operation can be long-running and impact queue processing when finalising many items from a Saved Query.

For more information, see Saving a Query or Bulk Finalise

Bugs fixed in this release

The December release includes all bugs resolved since the previous release, including: