Patterns are used by RecordPoint to evaluate content submitted from the Active Site. Patterns can be used across rules, and rules can contain multiple patterns, to provide the specificity necessary to identify a piece of Active Site content as a discrete type of record.

Patterns can be applied at a number of levels within the SharePoint hierarchy. A RecordPoint pattern can be configured to evaluate based on the SharePoint site, library/list, content type and metadata values. In addition, patterns can evaluate based on a number of criteria. These criteria include conditions such as – equals, contains, begins with, ends, does not equal etc.

Patterns and Outcomes are not actively used in RecordPoint until it is associated with a rule.

Search for a Pattern

To manage large sets of outcomes, use the search control at the top right of the Patterns page to filter the list of Patterns. This search control can filter by Title or Pattern.

Create a Pattern

To create a pattern in RecordPoint:

  1. From the Rules menu, select Patterns
  2. Select ‘Add new item’
  3. Populate the new pattern form
  4. Click save


  1. Site = Finance
  2. Library = Reporting
  3. Content Type <> Budget Report
  4. Metadata field = Annual Report

Examples of good practice in defining patterns

TitlePattern TypeField NameOperatorPattern
Site = TrainingSite Name EqualsTraining
Library = Policies and ProceduresList Name EqualsPolicies and Procedures
Library = Contract ManagementList Name EqualsContract Management
Content Type = PolicyContent Type EqualsPolicy
Content Type = ProcedureContent Type EqualsProcedure
Content Type = ContractContent Type EqualsContract
Procedure Type = HR ProcedureMetadataProcedure TypeEqualsHR Procedure