
Record ClassificationDisplays records, files and boxes based on function and activity (i.e. business classification scheme)
Record FormatFilters records based on record format. By default, the options available are Electronic, Physical or Part (file part).
ContainerFilters files based on the specified file container. By entering and applying the file number in this filter, the returned results will be filtered by records contained within the specified file. 
Record Manually ClassifiedRecords manually classified are processed through the outcome as defined by the classification and bypasses the rules engine. By default the key filter selection is set to all, otherwise use the yes or no option to refine the returned results.
Record Content TypeDisplays records based on specific record content type
Resentence DateDisplays records that have been resentenced for a given date range
Disposal ActionFilters classified records by the disposal action type applied to the record. By default, the options available are keep permanently, destroy, transfer, review and none.
Disposal Action DueFilters classified records by the disposal action due date calculated based on the retention schedule for this type of record. A start and end date range must be provided for this key filter.
Assignee(Physical/Hybrid/Box only) Filters by the assignee associated to a record.
Home Location(Physical/Hybrid/Box only) Filters by the home location of a record. 
Owner Location(Physical/Hybrid/Box only) Filters by the location of the owner associated to a record. 
Current Location(Physical/Hybrid/Box only) Displays records based on their current location
Date Registered(Physical/Hybrid/Box only) Filters non electronic records by the date registered in RecordPoint. 
Record AuthorFilters records by the record author.
Current StatusFilters non electronic containers by the open or closed status. By default, the selection for this filter is set to all.

Browse by Record, File or Box using Facets

  1. From the Navigation Panel
  2. Under Browser, select Record, File or Box browser
  3. By default, the most recently submitted items will be shown.
  4. Expand the facet filter required to refine results
  5. Each facet filter will either have a drop down, check box (yes or no), date field or text field. Refer to Field definitions for more info.
  6. Select a filter and provide additional information
  7. Click Go
If no results are returned, you may wish to return to the previous facets and select Clear to remove selections and start again. This will ensure the new request does not return results based on selected filters.

Example: Browse by Classification

  1. Click Record Browser
  2. Click to expand Record Classification - Notice all the records (that can be displayed on a single screen) are displayed on the right hand side
  3. Refine this search further by clicking on Policy - Notice the results on the right had side are filtered to only show items below policy
  4. Click on "Agency wide policy" to filter the results further
  5. Alternatively, it is possible to use a combination of facets. With the Policy level of the classification scheme still selected:
  6. Expand the Record Content Type, and type in Procedure
  7. This will filter the results so only records classified whose classification equals policy classification and content type equals procedure within the active site. Any number of facets can be used to refine results to identify records.

To Save this Query

  1. Select the RecordPoint tab from the Ribbon
  2. Click Save Query
  3. Provide a Title, Description and Category
  4. Click Save